July 9, 2007

"In a lot of ways, creating a website is like having a baby."

I've spent the past few weeks pacing back and forth in my living room. Partially from excitement, partially from worry. The reason for these emotions is - thus far - the pride and joy of my life. My child. This blog.

Because, in a lot of ways, creating a website is like having a baby.

For most of my life I've wanted one. I know a few friends who have more than one. I've heard the stories of how much of a blessing - and curse - they can be. I have decided it's the right time of my life, I'm ready to have one of my own.

The first few days are full of excitement and planning. I looked around online on what to expect, and even searched around Google for possible names. I read up on what types of things it would need to be healthy and strong. I wanted to be prepared to put as much time and money into it as possible, to make it grow. In all honesty, I originally had the hopes that someday it will be able to make money for me. I understand that by having one I need to be responsible for it's well being, I need to be ready to support it while it grows.

After a lot of planning and pacing, the day has finally arrived. My baby - this blog - is now a part of this world. Even with it's first few moments of life, I've realized that it is going to require a lot of love and attention. I will lose countless hours of sleep at night worrying about it. And, above all, it will stink from time to time.

I think the best way a website is like a baby is that, it is a blessing that you and I get to watch grow overtime. Hopefully, someday, it will be able to stand up and change the world.

So, without putting it off any further, say hello to Internet Hunger.

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