What if I told you that you could turn your website into one of the most influential, prominent websites on the internet?
Now, what if I told you all it takes to turn your website into one of the most important websites on the web is a little bit of effort and time?
It's true.
One of the most incredible aspects of the internet is that it's static, always changing. The static information that makes up the internet is controlled and manipulated by humans, but only by active internet users.
"Active internet users" comprises mostly of internet marketers, teenagers, and internet-bases businesses. Which means internet marketers, teenagers, and internet-based businesses are the main types of people controlling information on the internet.
That doesn't mean, however, that you have to be an internet marketer, or a teenager, or from an internet-based business to dramatically alter information on the internet about your website.
All it takes is a little bit of effort and some spare time to make sure the information about your website online is exactly what you want it to be.
Exactly how do you do it?
You simply participate in online forums related to your website's niche, you communicate actively with big names in your niche, and maintain a blog - if possible. You become an active entity for your website.
Participate in forums.
By participating in online forums you are exposing your website to people who would have - most likely - otherwise never heard of it. And if your participation on forums is surrounded with a positive, helpful attitude, your website will get the same positive aura. You'll also be pleasantly surprised with the amount of traffic that can come from forums; traffic that will be coming with a positive mind frame already.
Make friends.
Forums can take up a lot of time, but they are well worth any effort put into them and can result in big chances in the future. But if you don't have a lot of time to dedicate to participating in forums, communicating with big names in your niche is a great, time-sensitive way to influence your website's appearance online.
If you are actively communicating - dare I say: befriending - big names in your niche, chances are those big names are going to talk about you. If someone who is already popular and prominent is saying things about you, that practically makes you important and popular immediately.
And all it takes is a simple e-mail to get the conversation started. Avoid talking about your website though, and don't sound needy. Simply talk about how much you like what they are doing, or what you thought about their latest venture, praise them and they will quickly turn to your side and help you in your efforts to make your website big.
Be-friending big named people in your niche and participating on forums are great ways to influence the appearance of your website, but there is one way to alter the information online about your website that is much better and more influential.
Through a blog you can direct articles and posts to information about your website already on the internet, and you can write accurate - more friendly - information to strengthen your websites presence.
Blogs have been a meeting point for websites and their communities for years, and the bonds are only growing stronger.
Maintaining a blog about you and your website is a perfect, easy way to control the appearance of your website online.
Be active.
Remember that internet-marketers, people who are paid to be online 95% of the time, are some of the most influential people online. Teenagers, who spend 95% of their time online anyway, also influence the way information is handled online. So become someone who influences the web, take a little bit of your time everyday to participate in forums, communicate with big names in your niche, and blog.
Take a little bit of time out of your day to influence how your website is perceived and you quickly turn your website into an influential, important website.
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December 4, 2007
"Turn your website into one of the most influential, prominent websites on the internet."