As the holidays rapidly approach and the weekend is practically already here, now is a great time to sit back, relax, and enjoy some quality blog articles. What better way to start than by reading the top five Internet Hunger articles that you would regret not reading?
First, "Break out of the blogging mold and make your blog one of the best on the web." is a great article on what it takes to make your blog a great one. If you're a blogger - whether a beginner or a veteran - you need to read this article and improve your blogging now.
Next up, "Google Action Figures Limited Edition Matt Cutts" is a good laugh for anyone who is a fan - or mortal enemy - of Google's very own Matt Cutts. Take a look and find out what everyone has been talking about.
Another great post for bloggers is "The all time top 40 blog posts to help you become a better blogger." After you read the article and browse over the resources, bookmark the post, put it in your favorites, Stumble it, Digg it, or whatever else you need to do to remember it. The Top 40 Posts is a great resource for any blogger.
If you're not a blogger - or even if you are - then "You don't need to be a professional to start optimizing your website for search engines. All it takes is five minutes." is one of the most popular posts on Internet Hunger. You can learn a few optimization strategies to help get your website ranking well in the search engines.
Finally, a shout out to "12 of the most inspiring, helpful, and incredible blogs that you have never heard of, but probably should have." These aren't blogs that you should just read once or twice, these are really great blogs that you need to visit every day - or subscribe to right now!
So there you have it, five of the top Internet Hunger articles you can't afford to miss. And if you don't want to miss any future Internet Hunger articles, take a minute to subscribe to Internet Hunger!
December 21, 2007
"The top five Internet Hunger articles that you would regret not reading."